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MBS Smart Seats for Toyota Land Cruiser 200

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MBS Smart Seats for Toyota Land Cruiser 200
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MBS ideal car seats - a new engineering product designed specifically for Toyota LC 200.

The Toyota LC 200 has been the undisputed King of all terrains and we feel our design & seats give it that extra push it needs to venture into the luxury SUV market. MBS Seats for the LC 200 consists of the most luxurious German Nappa Leather, orthopedic comfort foam, Multi level massage system/adjustments & much more. The reliability of the LC200 makes it a favorite for customers around the globe and we feel that our MBS seats give it the luxury & comfort the patrons have long craved for.


MBS seats have perfect fitment and easy installation in less than 5 hours. 

Fast worldwide shipping. 

Check shipping & installation information with our team. E-mail: [email protected]


This kit is waiting for you! Contact us today!

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